Scripture shows us that the heart of our God is to send. He sent His Son, Jesus, to rescue the world. Jesus called and sent His disciples into the world to so that the world would know the love of God. We are called and sent into the world to continue to proclaim the good news of God’s love (John 17).
We believe that the responsibility of mission, or being sent, is personal, local, and global. Each individual is to respond to the call of Christ individually as they deny themselves, pick up their cross, and follow Him daily (Luke 9:23). In addition to that, we’ve been called to our city and our world to declare the Gospel (Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8). Here is how we, as a body of Christ, collectively respond to the call of mission.
We believe that the responsibility of mission, or being sent, is personal, local, and global. Each individual is to respond to the call of Christ individually as they deny themselves, pick up their cross, and follow Him daily (Luke 9:23). In addition to that, we’ve been called to our city and our world to declare the Gospel (Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8). Here is how we, as a body of Christ, collectively respond to the call of mission.
We desire to respond to The Gospel by loving people in front of us, in our local community, and to every edge of the earth.
Want to get involved with our local and global outreach opportunities? Send us a note!
We believe we must cherish all life because our Lord does. We believe it is our responsibility to advocate for those who do not have a voice. Therefore we pray over and financially support Care-Net as they endeavor to “love them both”.
We believe we must cherish all life because our Lord does. We believe it is our responsibility to advocate for those who do not have a voice. Therefore we pray over and financially support Care-Net as they endeavor to “love them both”.
Bisbee Coalition for the Homeless, the local homeless shelter located in the Tin Town neighborhood off Highway 92, has allowed us to minister to clients there by serving dinner once a month. We bring a team from our church, serve a meal, and get to know and fellowship with whoever is staying there at the time. Other opportunities to help those in need at the shelter are available.
In addition to the local organizations listed here, we are positioned to respond and obey to all the Lord puts in front of us as a church. Contact the church office for more information or watch our
Events Calendar for opportunities to get involved.

THE CORPUZ FAMILY (in Asia Pacifc)
Pastor Rolando and Noemi Corpuz lead a fellowship of believers at the edges of the jungles of Mt. Pinatubo in Pampanga, Philippines. Pastor Rolando is a graduate of the Pastoral Training School at Calvary Frontier San Fernando.
THE GARRETT FAMILY (in Asia Pacific)
Evan and Nicole Garrett’s family serve with Ethnos360 (formerly New Tribes Mission) in Asia Pacific. They are a part of the aviation team which assists tribal church planting in unreached people groups. It is through aviation support that they are able to gain access and support the ministry of tribal church planters as they learn the language and culture, translate God’s Word, and teach and disciple, with the end goal of seeing a mature and thriving church for every people group in Asia Pacific.
THE NELMAN FAMILY (in Asia Pacific)
Nomad and Fanty Nelman serve their local community through Ethnos360. Nomad trained as a pilot to facilitate missions into remote regions of Asia Pacific. They have responded to the call of the Gospel in their lives and uprooted their family from their more comfortable lives in safer areas of Asia Pacific to minister and love the people in their nation.
Lance and Caitlin Rensberger serve the Lord through Ethnos360. Lance serves as the Director of Maintenance for the helicopters that enable remote missionaries to move food, propane, building, and Bible-teaching materials, as well as medical supplies to remote communities in desperate need of God’s love, grace, and generosity. Caitlin manages the home, their three little ones, and tracking the pilots as they fly. Together they hope to pour into the missionaries as well as encourage them when they come out of their works, providing a place of relaxation and fellowship.
Juan Francisco and Glenda are a young couple serving the Lord in Bahia Kino, Mexico. Pastor Juan Francisco serves as the assistant pastor at Templo Calvario (Calvary Chapel), translating sermons into English on Sundays, and teaching the mid-week Spanish service. Juan Francisco also serves as Youth Pastor, and he and Glenda strive to love and lead the youth into a deeper relationship with Christ. Glenda also regularly leads the women of the church in the study of scripture, and teaches at their Women’s Cafe Outreach. Both Juan Francisco and Glenda have a heart to follow Christ, disciple believers, and to love and reach their community with the good news of the Gospel.
Questions about the people and groups we support? Email us! calvarybisbee@gmail.com